Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Conversation in Your Head!

        One of the greatest pleasures I consistently experience as I walk this path, is the opportunity of speaking with people who are from all different walks of life, at different stages in their lives, and with different desires and passions.  When I am with them, I enjoy the conversations around their sense of self and what they want to be and do in their life.  I find it so exciting to be a part of their journey of discovery as they express their desires, were there no limitations.  

     I can see the beauty, the creativity, the brilliance, and the unlimited abilities they have to become and do whatever they choose.  It's such a wonderful feeling.  It's so exciting to think of all that potential!

     But so very often, they are blocked by the voice in their head.  The voice that is telling them they're not enough, they're not worthy, and it can't happen for them.  If we're honest with ourselves, we've all felt this way at one time or another, perhaps often, and sadly for many, most of the time. 

     That voice is debilitating, it sets up the road blocks to what we want, it keeps us down, and can be paralyzing in our desire to move forward. 

     There are many ways in which that voice is instilled in us.  Our sense of who we are begins at a very young age and there are many influences that shape that sense of who we believe ourselves to be. 

     Unfortunately, for many of us, we were told of our limitations; you're stupid, you're ugly, you'll never amount to anything, you can't do that, you're too sensitive, you're not strong enough, girls don't do that, boys don't do that, and on and on it goes.

      Somewhere along the path of our lives we are  taught the concept of lack.  We're taught we are not enough, and the world is limited in it's resources and opportunities, and there is not enough for everyone.  A sense of competition is instilled and the act of comparison becomes a way of measuring our worth.  When we compare ourselves to others, we rarely feel good about ourselves.  As Theodore Roosevelt said, "Comparison is the thief of joy."

     Not only do people experience being spoken to and raised in such an environment, but socially, the outside world can mirror those very same sentiments.  The social world promotes a very limited picture of what is possible.  When looking to society we see a very narrow view of what is beautiful, what is smart, what is successful, and what is possible for those who don't fit the popular and projected images. 

     There has been significant changes over time and I believe it will continue with the intention and dedication of so many people who look to value and broaden the view of what is beautiful, successful, smart, ...... ultimately what is possible for everyone.
     My experience growing up was similar in that the roles and expectations of men and women were clearly defined along gender lines.  Images of successful and beautiful women who looked like me were mostly non existent.  I was fortunate though, to have parents who told me I could do anything as long as I set my mind to it, and believed in myself.   Believed in myself........ and there lies the key.  How do we do that?  

     How do we learn to believe in ourselves, to believe that anything is possible, to believe we can be what we want to be, to believe we are worthy, capable, lovable and wonderful?

     We can do it by our awareness of who we really are.  Who we really are is a reflection, an extension of the energy that creates worlds. 

     Did you hear that?  No really, this is the key, the most important understanding of creating what we want.  We are an extension of the energy that creates worlds!

     We, you, me, have the life energy of Source within us.  The energy that is unlimited, smart, beautiful, loving, and everything that creates joy in this life. The energy of well being that is streaming to us all the time is always sending us the message that we are loved, we are worthy and life should be good! 

     Once we realize what we create in this life is based on our relationship between ourselves and our higher self, our lives change forever.    Our higher self loves us, believes in us, supports us, sees us as amazing beings worthy of all the wonderful experiences this life has to offer. 

     When we are feeling good about ourselves, appreciating ourselves, and acknowledging our best self, we are empowered because it aligns us with our higher self.  It's like the jet fuel for creating the life you desire. 

     When we let the negative voice speak and listen to it, it makes us feel bad and that is our indicator that we are out of alignment with who we really are.  So when you hear that negative voice, and that conversation begins, remember, that is not who you are! 

     We are energy, our thoughts are energy and we create with our thoughts.  When the negative voice in our head starts telling us how we can't be, do, or have what we want, we are giving our attention and focusing our energy on just that. 

     Where thoughts go, energy flows!  By focusing on that negativity our energy feeds it, and it continues then to manifest in our lives.  It has to, that is how the universal law of attraction works.  What we focus on we create.   Whether you choose to believe it or not, it works, just like gravity!  So why not understand it, and then use it to work for you?

     When you're feeling bad, notice what the voice in your head is telling you.  In that moment do whatever you can to reach for a better feeling thought.  If your driving, turn the music on and sing or car dance (it's so funny how many times I've been caught doing that!)  If you're home and have pets, be with your pets; their love is so wonderful and unconditional.  Read, take a nap, play a game.  Think of something that makes you feel good, something you appreciate, something you're grateful for.  If you can hold that thought for 15 seconds, another like thought will follow, and then another.  The law of attraction will give you what you focus on. 

     If the conversation in your head has one side saying I am not good enough, in any way, let the voice in your head that says I am worthy, I am capable, I am beautiful, speak louder and more consistently and you will begin to feel better, and you will start a momentum to help keep you there and attract more of what makes you feel good!   

"I AM"


         The thought builds.  What are your thoughts building?  Let's be aware and consciously shape our reality by remembering who we really are, where we come from and our relationship to all that is.  Well being is streaming to us all the time!

If you were listening to the hypnotic voice of your Source, you'd be constantly hearing the drum beating that says, "You are loved, and you are worthy and you are valued and life is supposed to be good for you......"
Abraham Hicks 

     Life can completely change when people experience a positive shift in their thoughts.  Let's then be the change for ourselves and magnify that feeling by being the change for others as well.  

     Let's be the outside positive influence with our acts of kindness and appreciation for those in our life and those we come in contact with everyday.  Let's be the reason someone smiles, let's speak the words that uplift, encourage and empower others.  The slightest act of kindness can make the biggest difference in helping someone to keep that positive voice in their head speaking loud and clear!  Let's love ourselves and love and support each other and watch what happens! 

Please leave me a comment, let me know how this message impacts you. 

Thank you for joining me and expanding our lives together!


  1. Amen to this...
    I do a lot of what you stated in your blog, like the singing, exercise, playing games and going to the movies!!! Doesn't take much to make me happy as long as I can always find it...great blog!!!

  2. So happy you like it! Thank you for your's wonderful to know you can relate, and it's working for you! Yeah!!


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